Saturday, June 30, 2012


Yesterday was CD9 for me and my last dose of Clomid.  I took it Cd5-9 at approx. 6pm every night.  Nurse told me to try to keep taking it the same time everyday, which I did a really good job of keeping that up.  I took it in the evening hoping that if I did have any side effects I would sleep through them.  Well let's get to those side effects lol. It acutally wasn't too bad, CD 2, 3, and 5 I had light cramping, nothing serious, not even bad like period cramps.  CD 4 and 5 I had a few hot flashes during my sleep, but once again nothing that had me concerned or nervous.  CD 4 and 5 I also didn't sleep well, but not sure if that was the Clomid or just me.  I've heard of people having some side effects after the last dose, but so far nothing for me! I'm also just on CD10, so maybe that's why.  On Tuesday, which is CD 13, I go in for ultrasound and I  think bloodwork again. I will update after Tuesday's appointment:

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 3 testing

So on Friday morning I went in for my ultrasound and bloodwork.  The ultrasound went fine and I was able to meet one of the other Doctors at ACRM.  I had no cyst and everything looked normal!  Prior to going in, I had my blood taken, and was told I would get the results later in the day.  My mother is a nurse, so needles are NOT an issue for me.  My nurse was out, so the nurse that took my blood was so relieved that I was easy going on that part lol.  Even though I didn't have blood work results, I still walked out with Rx for clomid 50mg, but was told to wait until I received call for the instructions.  At about 1pm, the nurse called to inform me the my estrogen level was 29(from my understanding the lower the better) and I will start Clomid CD5-9.  There are 2 pills that must be taken at the same time.  She also informed me to try to take the pills at the same time everyday.  I asked if my over the counter allergy meds would be still ok to take.  She informed that it's fine(hey I just wanted to make sure!) and asked if I had any other questions.  I've decided that I will take my allergy and prenatal meds in the morning, my baby aspirin mid-day, and my clomid at about 6pm.  This way when I go to bed, if I do have any side effects, I will hopefully sleep through them(Well that's what I hope anyway). I will update either midway through clomid cycle or after I finish the cycle.....THIS IS MY MONTH!!!! I'm no longer worrying or having fear, I have faith and have left it in God's hands!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here We Go!!

Today is CD1 and also day one of our journey to IUI and a healthy baby! I have my ultrasound appointment for tomorrow morning and have also set up my mid-cycle appointment.  Tomorrow I will have to do this appointment alone(even though I've had this test done before) since DH will be working and unable to get off.  I'm still kinda like OOOHHH HERE WE GO, but still praying and keeping happy thoughts.  The appointment tomorrow is just to have ultrasound to make sure I'm ok to start Clomid.  I will most likely get Rx tomorrow with instructions for the use of Clomid.  I have to say even though I'm still a little sad to see my AF this month, I'm still quite excited and nervous about the start of this much needed, anticapted and interesting journey we are now on.  It's been years in the making and we're finally at the "almost there" mark.  I will updated after appointment tomorrow!