Thursday, July 12, 2012


So I've been a little busy and haven't been updating here as I should, but here's the latest:

CD 13 which was July 3, I went in for a ultrasound and more bloodwork.  The tested LH surge, estidrol, and something else with bloodwork.  Everything came back normal!! For ultrasound they checked to make sure I responded to Clomid and did not have any cyst.  I had 3 follicles (YYYAAAAYYY) 1-20mm and 2-18mm on my right side and none on the left.  I was told to use OPK since they thought I would ovulate in next few days and to call when I got a positive and IUI would be the day after.  They also told me if I didn't get a positive OPK by Thursday to refill Rx they gave me for HcG shot.  Well Thursday morning came and no +OPK (BOOO) I went to CVS to have Rx filled.  It was $161!! Not only does infertility hurt emotionally, if insurance doesn't cover things it hurts your pockets as well. I went straight from CVS to RE and my nurse gave me the shot and IUI was schedule for Friday morning.  Now I'm not afraid of needles, but the aftermath was a very cruel joke lol.  The side effect was itching and soreness at the shot site.  Well it itched like crazy and every time I went to scratch, that's when I noticed the soreness(OUCH). Oh well, all for a good purpose.  I also had ovulation pain and alot of egg white cervical mucus(a good thing, I'll get to that later). Next up IUI!!!

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